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  • Writer's pictureAsjid Javed

Research into different types of magazines genre and sub-genre

From my Research I found that basically there are 3 main type of genre, 1#Consumer Magazine, 2#Trade Magazines and 3#Organization Magazines.

The consumer magazine are made for the general public The sub-genre in this type include magazine like News, cooking, Fashion, Technology, Health, Children etc. Consumer magazine has the widest variety among all the genre. These magazine are also referred to as 'glossies' by the people of the publishing world. This is because of the paper they were printed on, they were glossy paper.

Trade Magazines are targeted towards the members of an industry, to keep them UpToDate about the techniques, methodologies, technology, and other pertinent pieces of information. Purpose of a trade publications are to 1# Keep Members of the industry informed, 2# It has Trusted Resources so information in it has strong level of trust, 3# They are targeted to a specific audience.

Organization magazine have 3 main sub-genre, 1.Society These are the magazines you would receive as a member of an organization, society, or as an employee. They are intended to serve as a communication tool. 2.Promotional these magazine serve as public relation tool for some organizations. These magazine are usually free for distribution. 3.Product magazine are supplied to the customer after they have made an purchase or they are used to advertise a certain product.

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