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Preliminary Task 


For my preliminary task, which we do before our final project in order to get practice but this​time without using any pictures or content from the internet and capturing our own picture, I took some inspiration from real world magazine which can be seen below.


These two images were my inspiration for my coverage. that is to use a dark theme picture with golden/yellow text.


For table of content I decided to take to simple as it was first time making magazine without taking any help from the internet. I chose this design which contained text and shapes only.


This is my inspiration for my featured article. it will be a two page article with one page dedicated to a image. the 2nd page will be mainly text and using shapes to differentiate between different sections of the text or a sub topic.

Rough sketch & mockup of each page:

Before I Finally made the magazine pages. I first made there mockup and rough sketch to get the idea and plan what element will go where for example position of bar code.


This is the rough sketch of my main cover page


Rough sketch of my Main article


Rough sketch of my Main article

Photography of magazine:

As we had to use our own photographs. I took multiple photograph and chose between the pics. The pics are as follows

Screenshot 2023-01-20 201304.png


These are the final product I made, with there screen shots and photoshop files which can be downloaded below the  at the end of screens shots

This is my main cover page and its layer screen shot.


Table of content and its layer screen shot file:


Featured article and its layer screen shots 


You can download the photoshop file clicking the file icon below 

Evaluation of design

For my magazine I used Black and white theme with Yellow and white text, I chose this theme because this color scheme was neither too dark and too bright so it will be easier for the reader to see it. I personally also wanted yellow so it can represent the gold through is goldish color specially because it’s a business magazine. For my Table of content I kept it simple without using pictures and only using shapes, I was going for a simplistic design so its easier for the reader to read it, Also because this was my first time making a real world magazine without any help from the internet besides inspiration so I did not wanted to tackle something too advance and used this as a learning opportunity so I could feel more comfortable doing it on my own accord before I start the final project of As level. I used two page feature article as I personally find them more eye catching due to a one big imagine on the side which attracts the reader attention. I wanted this effect in my magazine as well. This was also my first time experimenting with shapes which separated different topics of the text so its easier for the reader to find his/her sub topic without making them feel too troubled.

Learning Outcome

I learned a lot from doing pre-liminary task before I did my final project, as mentioned before this was my first time making a real world magazine without taking any content from the internet besides inspiration. I learned how to create simplistic design (seen in my table of content). Make a better Cover page which is the first impression of the reader and henceforth the most important. I learned how to smartly use color schemes and color pallets which suited the gerne of the magazine. I learned how to effectively Use the shape tool in adobe photoshop to add borders etc. I Learned how to add filters in Photoshop, use light and color curves and add artificial lighting effect for example spot light in Photoshop.

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