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  • Writer's pictureAsjid Javed

Research & analysis on some different types of magazines content page design

Table of content helps reader see page number and location of the content they want to read, it acts like an navigation for the reader through the whole magazine. Some different designs of table of content can be seen bellow:

1#Photo table of content: This table of content includes picture together with the page numbers. This type of table of content is very useful for picture book or a magazine which may contain a lot of pictures so adding pictures in the table of content makes it easier for the reader to navigate through the magazine

2# Policy Table of content: This table of content is used when there are of a lot of content which can be overwhelming to read through for the reader. This table of content help fix that issue by listing out each sections which makes it easier for the reader to go through them. This type of table of content maybe used in business magazines.

3# Kids table of content: This table of content is used in children magazine as its hard for children to read and navigate through magazine, larger graphics and colorful text is used to hold there attention.

4# Recipe table of content: Food magazine and cook book use these type of table of content, this helps the reader to go read about the specific dish if they want rather then going through the whole section.

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