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  • Writer's pictureAsjid Javed

Research & analysis on some different types of magazine typography/fonts etc.

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

One of the most important aspects of the magazine is the types of fonts that are used, this crucial part is easily overlooked specially when have less experience, an individual like me. For that reason, I decided to do some research on it to get the basic idea and understand its importance. From my research I was able to find that there are 5 basic fonts that are monospaced, serif, sans, script and display. Out of all of these serif and sans serif are most important for inner content of the magazine as serif fonts are found easier to read. As a magazine designer my top priority for the choice of font should be its ability to being easy to read and legibility and also consider the subject matter as for e/g non fictional content use more traditional font where as fictional content will use modern fonts. Furthermore, different fonts give a different tone to the magazine pages. Before finalizing a font, we must know out audience for example a children magazine will use simple fonts. As for the font size, it is said to be that 16point size is best to use for your magazine as making fonts too small will be hard to read and making them too big will take a lot of space and waste paper which is not good for the environment. A good general rule of thumb is that you try different fonts to see which one fit your magazine the best, even after you have designed the cover page, try changing its font to see if it makes any difference.

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