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  • Writer's pictureAsjid Javed

Research & analysis on different elements on a typical magazines cover page

The essentials element of a magazine cover page include 1.Masthead which is the main title of the magazine and is the most important one. 2.Issue and Dateline this area contains the publishing date, month, year and the issue number. Some magazine publisher also add the price in this section. 3.Main imagine this is the imagine on the cover page which is representation of the content inside the magazine. it gives the reader hint for what's its about. 4.Lead article this tells the reader about the main/ featured article in the magazine. 5.Supporting cover lines The supporting cover lines are topics that can be related to the same theme or completely different. The key to putting them on the cover of a magazine is balancing the elements. 6.Bar code the barcode is added by the printing house so it can be scanned by the barcode scanner.

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