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  • Writer's pictureAsjid Javed

Research & analysis on different camera techniques for magazine photography.

For doing magazine phytography I did some research on different camera angels which are used for magazine photography and photography in general

Starting with Extreme Long shot, in which it contains mostly land scape which is used to show the environment around the subject

Full shot, which contains full view of the subject

Mid shot, in which picture of the subject is taken from waist up, in this shot face and there interactions more clearly

Close up, it contains the face of one subject as the camera is near the subject face or zoomed at the subject face, This helps to clearly show the subjects Emotion and facial expression.


Now for the camera angel, The first one is high angel in which camera is placed above the subject and it looks down upon the subject, this angel is used to make the subject look weak, small and vulnerable

Eyelevel angle, the camera is placed at same level as the subject on equal footing

Low angel, in which the camera is looking up to the subject is placed below the subject example on the ground, it is used to show the subjects dominance that is he is more powerful.


Image composition is also a very important aspect of the image, so I am also going to list and explain some of the basic image composition.

Starting with Rule of third, in which the image is divided into 9 equal segments by 2 vertical and 2 horizontal making boxes, The rule of third states that the most important element of the image (the subject) should be along these lines. an example of it can be seen below in which the budling is in rule of third

The 2nd most important in my opinion is Balancing element, in which the subject is placed off center by following rule of third and another object/non important element is added where the image is left empty (other side of the line) to balance out the image as suggested by the name, an example of this can be seen below

The 3rd important composition, is Leading line, it uses the concept that human eye is naturally drawn along lines, by adding the element of line in the image, it becomes more interesting and eye catching to the reader/viewer

The 4th and last basic composition is symmetry and pattern, as the name suggests symmetry and pattern is followed throughout the image, which can make the image very eye-catching an example of this can be seen below.

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