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  • Writer's pictureAsjid Javed

Questionnaire And Magazine surveys

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

Before we started the pre production of our group project we needed input from the audience which will be the reader of our magazine so there input was very valuable and important for us in order to make a successful magazine. Our main source of there input was Survey forms. We made a survey form using Google Forms and shared the link with all people we had contact of. The from link and its question can be seen below:

We Avoided doing physicals surveys and questioners and made digital from so we can have more reach to people, and even ask people internationally and so we didn't not had to print question on pages in order to use very few to non papers and keep it environment friendlily.

The Result of the question can be seen below:

1st question:

2nd question:

As Expected many diversity was seen in this question

3rd question:

Majority of the age group was Teen age, followed by 30+.

4th question:

Majority agreed that an article on social issue should be in every magazine

5th question:

Majority agreed that its a good way to spread awareness using magazine

6th question:

Majority wanted to shift to E magazine

8th question: There were less people who read magazine daily however majority of the people read it now and then

9th question:

After seeing this result, it was clear people wanted cyber bulling to be prioritized:

Before I made the final survey on google forms, I first made a rough sketch on paper. Here I discussed some questions with my friends and group members and even asked for other students help to finalize which question we should include in my final magazine Some of the pages can be seen below:

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