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  • Writer's pictureAsjid Javed

Mood Board

In order to represent our idea of the magazine, me and my group members got on a online call and created a modo board. First we took sample mood board from the internet to understand how to make it.

Sample taken from the internet:

After this we took some pictures from the internet representing our areas of topic and did our first attempt on MS paint which can be seen below:

After this we did our 2nd attempt on adobe spark and try to give it more professional look to it which can be seen below:

After making 2 mood boards, we made the final one in Photoshop and tried to increase the quality of the pic and took more time to find the pictures which very close of what we wanted our project to represent.

From this we wanted to show that Cyber bulling which is our topic for the magazine can cause isolation, effects there daily life e.g making them unproductive and causes mental health issues such as Depression and mental stress. We also in prepose showed the image over lapping each other to show that its all interlinked.

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