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  • Writer's pictureAsjid Javed

Making my first Table of content

After making our First and second Magazine cover page, we moved to our second step towards a complete magazine, It was to make our tape of content in which things like what things can we found on which page number of magazine would be written in. we took an example from Real world magazine and tried to copy it down from scratch in photoshop


This is the original design which I took inspiration from. It uses simple text and some shapes and vector. its a very simple but effective design.

This is my version of it. I used different font and slightly different color pallet in my version to achieve a similar design. I was also able to learn how to set opacity of different elements such as shapes.

Screen Shot of layer:

The layers mainly contains text, such as page numbers, it content and main heading insides or besides some shapes like a paragraph is written inside a square.

Photoshop File:

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