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  • Writer's pictureAsjid Javed

Learning Outcome

From my Final project I was able to learn many valuable things, starting with photography. I was able to learn how to use manual mode of camera and how different aspects of the settings such as Shutter speed, ISO and aperture effect the photograph, I also learned how to script the photograph them self and mange the lighting in the pic according to the location for an example in my photographs I had to show a depressed/ Trouble child so I had to set the subject/the cast of the pic accordingly and mange the light so that the expression on there face could be easily seen without being too over exposed.

I am now more comfortable with editing software such as photoshop and I am confident that I can now tackle more complex editing techniques and make even better product which can be used in real life market, I also learned new software such as adobe spark which was used to make the mood board. I also applied designing technique which where engaging and visually appealing for the audience.

I learned how to effectively manage the 3 stages of a production, that is Pre, during and Post production. This made making the final product easy to mange and because in real production same method of dividing into stages it was a great learning experience which I will now able to apply in my future project without any issues.

This project also told me how to interact with the audience and get there input on the project as we had to distribute the survey and present the data to the group and make decision such as which social issue we should make our magazine on.

For my content pages I learned to apply my research skill and use efficient editing and writing skills to produce high-quality, informative, as well as interesting articles which match the theme and style of the magazine moreover to Gather and analyze relevant and trustworthy information sources for the magazine's content using research skills.

I learned how to fill up location scouting from, make Budget list, Equipment list, Schedule, Prop list and costume list as well as to write Proposal of the magazine.

This project also taught me about team work that how to collaborate with other people and divide the work load.

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