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  • Writer's pictureAsjid Javed

Coursework set Brief

Media studies is a course which teaches you practical things about.. well media studies. It teaches us about graphic designing and its component like how font can effect the look of an magazine and much more. We are also taught about Film making like how to make film opening and music video. After studying media studies we are able to analyze each clip critically and understand its meaning like which camera moment was used in that scene and why, why was the camera angle low extra. we can understand what goes through the director mind before each shot and how each shot are planed which are made into movies and tv shows which we love to see today. After understanding the core principle of media we can produce things way better which can be even small thing as a birthday video. This is what media studies is for me. Coming towards the assessments (Theory) the written examination of media studies, For our written paper in As level in question number 1 do film analysis. A clip will be played for us and we will have to critically analyze it. we will mention and explain things such as camera angle, camera moment and sound extra and how they have effect the overall scene. For the 2nd and last written question for As level we have to write a form of essay which as of writing this blog we have not learned it thoroughly so I will update the blog of its content as soon we have learned it.

For our practical we are expected to make a foundation portfolio. We are given a choice between Film opening (video) or making our own Magazine (print). I personally Chose magazine and I will be updating my blog with my progress on my magazine to take you (The reader) on a journey with me in becoming a professional magazine designer.

Overall assessment overview can be seen in the picture below In which things like components, time limit and word limit are motioned.

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